The following are known issues in New Quizzes. These issues may not effect all users. Canvas is aware and working to remedy the issues by implementing monthly patches and bug fixes. This list will change based on improvements or newly identified issues.  

Last Update: 8/23/24


  • Grades and feedback (if enabled in the Quiz Settings) are available to students immediately, regardless of the grade posting policy and status of the associated gradebook item.  This is a byproduct of the fact that New Quizzes is an LTI tool, and therefore behaves differently than native Canvas tools.
  • Bug:  In item bank questions, embedded media and links to content stored in the course Files tool are only visible to students in the course in which the question was created. Students in other courses will not be able to view or access these materials.  
  • No surveys
  • Regardless of the number of points available in the quiz, the point value entered in the assignment details determines the value in the Gradebook. For the Gradebook score, the percentage of quiz points earned is multiplied by the points possible in the assignment details. For example, if a student earns 18 out of 20 points (90%) on a quiz worth 15 points in the assignment details, the student's score in the Gradebook would be 90% of 15, or 13.5.


Quarter 2 Completed Fixes and Features (2024):
  • Repeated correct answers in New Quiz fill in the blank dropdowns causes blank page
  • Students who access a New Quiz with Respondus Lockdown Browser enabled encounter an RCE error.
  • Media uploaded via RCE in New Quizzes stuck loading
  • Accessibility
    • Button for grading modal in New Quiz Matching questions in elements twice
    • New Quiz Essay question with Set Word Limit checked doesn't read error if no values entered for min/max
    • New Quiz filter IP address errors not announced for screen readers after moving away from field and returning
    • New Quiz +Allowed range button reads + instead of add range while using screen reader in the filter IP addresses setting
    • Users using Screenreader hear a verbal only time limit when availability dates have been set
    • Users are unaware of min field accessibility in New Quiz formula questions on initial navigation
    • Users are unable to expand abbreviations of Max and Min in formula question creation
    • Using tab navigates to non-interactive elements in New Quizzes
    • Tab navigation skips main header interactive navigational elements within New Quizzes


Quarter 3 Objectives (2024):
  • Show Custom Feedback with Results
  • Add time to existing quiz sessions
  • Course files in Item Banks Known Issue update