Heat Stress is a progression of conditions as you body fights to maintain your core temperature. The most serious conditions are:

· Heat Exhaustion –Wet Clammy Skin, Normal or sub-normal body temperature

· Heat Stroke – Hot Dry Red Skin, High body temperature


When it comes to managing Heat Stress on your body, there are behavior factors that you can control:

· Physical Activity & Conditioning

· Hydration & Electrolytes

· Duration of Exposure – Time out in the sun

· Clothing – loose breathable is best


And factors that are out of your control:

· Your Age

· Medications you may be taking

· Ambient Temperature

· Humidity – water in the air

· Radiant Heat – direct sunlight

· Air Velocity – wind


The environmental factors of temperature and humidity create a perceived temperature that may be well above the measured temperature. For example:

· 90 oF at 75% RH feels like 109 oF

This effect is depicted on the NOAA Heat Index Chart https://www.weather.gov/ffc/hichart