Molds are fungi. There are 100,000’s of species of mold and spores are ubiquitous. Mold spores are microscopic. What we see are the colonies called hyphaea.


Molds require three things to grow:

· Water for 48+ hours – this can be from humidity >50%

· Temperature – generally above 70 degrees Fahrenheit

· Food – something it can eat for nutrition such as glue, paper, or soap scum.

Without these three things, mold will not grow.


There are two main types of molds we encounter on campus:

Mildews grow on surfaces like tile and grout and are easily removed with cleaning products.

Molds grow into materials and removal of the substrate (drywall…) is often necessary.


Residents in our campus housing are expected to maintain their living spaces and are responsible for cleaning mildew in their bathrooms.


If mold growth is suspected in a University building issue a Facilities Work Order to start the evaluation/cleaning process.