Lecturer, Clinical Educator and Visiting Faculty Certification of Credentials Form Document


Complete this form for all full-time lecturers, clinical educators and visiting faculty teaching for the first time at Longwood or teaching a course that is significantly different from their typical course. Submit with the Hiring Report sent to Academic Affairs. Questions? Contact Dr. David Shoenthal, X2193.

Owner: Accreditation & Compliance

Local Visa Application Document


Application for a Local Fund Visa card through Bank of America

Owner: Materiel Management & Purchasing

Longwood Brand Guide Document


The Longwood brand guide provides an overview of our brand strategy, along with the methodology behind it, as well as tools to help you best tell Longwood's story. [Updated Fall 2022]

Owner: Marketing, Communications & Engagement

Longwood Teaching Faculty and Emeriti Faculty(2022-2023) Document


A compiled list of all professors teaching courses in the 2022-2023 academic year. 

Owner: Academic Affairs

Longwood Visual Brand - Color Combinations For Designers Document


This one-pager for graphic designers offers recommended guidelines when combining Longwood's primary, secondary and tertiary colors.

Owner: Marketing, Communications & Engagement