Requesting a Card Reader


Do you have an event and want to track attendance? Are you taking payments for sales or other items and would like to accept Lancer CA$H?

If yes, then you should check-out a card reader from the Lancer Card Center.

More information

Owner: Lancer Card

Meal Plan Appeal Application Document


Appeals will be reviewed and acted upon at the next committee meeting. The committee may decide to approve or deny the appeal. If approved, the committee will decide what action is to be taken. The appealed charge may be either reduced or entirely cancelled. The decision of the committee is final.

Owner: Lancer Card

Lancer CA$H Refund Request Form Document


Request to close Lancer CA$H account, usually due to graduation, separation or withdrawal from the University.

Owner: Lancer Card

Snack Vending Refund Form


If one of our snack machines didn't perform correctly for you, this is the form you need.

Owner: Lancer Card

Pepsi Vending Refund Form Document


If one of our campus beverage vending machines doesn't treat you right, this is the form you need.

Owner: Lancer Card