The purpose of the Parking Citation Appeals is to review all appealed parking citations and render a final decision. It will also review any appeals for the reinstatement of suspended parking privileges. Committee meetings are held monthly during the academic year and all decisions by the committee are final.
An appeal for each citation issued must be submitted in writing or online within five days of the date on the citation or the right to appeal is forfeited. If an appeal is denied, payment will be due upon receipt of the notification letter.
An appeal is based on extenuating circumstances and should not be filed if an individual has clearly failed to observe the University parking rules and regulations. The following are examples of situations not considered acceptable grounds for appeals:
Appeals are decided in one of the following ways: Appeal Accepted, Appeal Denied-Fine Reduced, and Appeal Denied.
Under extenuating circumstances, appeals for having the parking privilege reinstated may be presented to the Parking Appeals Committee. Students must contact the Tickets and Appeals Manager for information and deadlines for submitting this type of appeal.
Parking appeals can be submitted online through MyLongwood. Appeal forms are available in the Police Dispatch Office in Dorrill Hall.
Attachments such as pictures, receipts, or repair and wrecker bills may be included with the appeal if it is felt that evidence will have a bearing on the case.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Appeals must be submitted in writing or online within five days of the date on the citation or the right to appeal is forfeited.