Report a Crime That Has Occurred On University Property


Notifications received via this reporting method are not monitored 24/7, if the crime is currently taking place please call 911.

Owner: Police & Public Safety

Compliment or Complaint Report


If you have a complaint or compliment regarding how the Longwood Police Department and Campus Safety are doing, please let us know here.

Owner: Police & Public Safety

Crime Statistic Report Form


This form is being used to document Crime Statistics for the previous reporting cycle.

Owner: Police & Public Safety

Security Staffing Request Form


Must be submitted at least (15) days before an event. Requests submitted after the required 15 days’ notice may be denied.

Costs will be $43.00/hour per officer for events. Direct questions to x2091. Additional details are on the form.

Owner: Police & Public Safety

FY21-22 Annual Report Document


Longwood Police Department FY21-22 Annual Report

Owner: Police & Public Safety