Safety Programs

The Longwood Police Department offers many beneficial Campus Safety programs to teach students how to protect themselves and their belongings! Our yearly programs will be advertised on our website and twitter.

Call Lieutenant Robert Lenhart x 4837 or email him if interested.

Sexual Assault

This program is for the entire campus community and addresses rape, statistics, victim resources, and reporting procedures. We also provide information about the various so called "date rape" drugs.

Crime Alerts

The University Police Department posts Crime Alerts on campus and on the website when serious incidents occur. The Crime Alerts inform the University community as to the nature of the crime and description of suspects. They also provide instructions on how to prevent or report crime.

Victims' Assistance Program

The University Police Department, Health Services, Student Development, Counseling and Psychological Services Center and other offices offer assistance to victims of crime on the basis of their specific needs and requests for information. Please note that professional counselors are not required to notify the police of crimes reported to them.

Vehicle Assistance

If you have locked your keys in your vehicle the University Police can either assist you directly or call a locksmith. The University Police will not attempt to unlock any vehicle with side airbags. If you think you have a dead battery, contact the Police Department for assistance.

Lost and Found

The University Police Department is the designated Lost and Found for the University and a place for individuals to turn in or claim lost and found items. Please contact us if you need assistance with any lost and found article.


The University Police Department has investigators on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are a victim of a crime, immediately call the University Police Department so the incident can be investigated and a report filed. If time is wasted, evidence can be destroyed or lost.


The University Police offer a fingerprinting service for University students who may need their fingerprints taken for selective reasons (such as a required attachment to an employment application). The hours are Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm.


Internship positions are available at the Police Department for qualified students in Criminal Justice or Communications. During the semester, you will have the opportunity to work with all areas of the Department while earning academic credit hours. Interns experience first hand the role of a Police Officer and are also introduced to all the facets of a law enforcement office. Contact Tracie Giles for more information about the Internship program by calling 434-395-2457.

Ride-Along Program

Our Ride-Along program offers the opportunity for students to learn about the Police Department. Participants are allowed to ride-along with an officer as they answer real police calls on campus. A signed agreement by the participant for confidentiality and liability purposes must be completed, as well as prior written approval from the patrol commander. Please contact our office to request further information. 

Safety Walk

Our department also supports the annual Student Government Association's campus safety walk. The purpose of the walk is to survey the adequacy and maintenance of campus lighting and blue light emergency phones, and to see that landscaping near buildings and along walkways does not obscure vision or present other safety hazards. During the walk students can make recommendations to add lighting and blue light emergency phones in areas of need.

Security Surveys

Security surveys are a requested service provided to the campus community that will help enhance physical security. A survey of the interior and exterior of a facility or area is conducted to determine vulnerability to criminal activity. A written report is sent to the requester with the recommendations on improving security. Contact Lt. Robert Lenhart at 434-395-2398 for additional information.