Post-Graduate Success Initiative

The goal of Longwood's Quality  Enhancement Plan

The Post-Graduate Success Initiative is for students to choose and complete curricular and co-curricular experiences that are linked to their post-graduate success. Accomplishing this goal requires building sustainable faculty and staff partnerships. This QEP will equip students to:

  • Set post-graduate goals consistent with a holistic sense of self and community
  • Create and revise a plan integrating curricular and co-curricular experiences that support post-graduate goals, and
  • Articulate the connection between curricular and co-curricular experiences and their post-graduate goals.

To Consider Life Design is to be an active agent in the career process, embracing ambiguity and failure, and working experimentally and optimistically to design a career and a life that are meaningful.

  • In their first year at Longwood, whether as transfer students or new-to-college freshmen, students will encounter life design ideas and activities through orientation, the first-year student success coaching program, select general education and major-specific courses, and first-year advising.

To Practice Career Everywhere is to recognize that career education is everyone’s business, a collective and communal effort to prepare students for a new world of work.

  • Longwood students can practice career everywhere through existing campus activities like student employment, Symposium Day, and the Research and Creative Inquiry Showcase, as well as new programs like a sophomore-year micro-internship and a junior-year graduate program immersion day.

QEP-linked Programming 

Beginning Our New Direction (B.O.N.D.)

Transition-to-Longwood program for students from historically underrepresented groups to create community and connect with resources.

Student Success Coaching Groups

Customized Life Design training to equip coaches and peer mentors to help new to Longwood students clarify their purpose, identities,
and goals.

First-Year Advising

Holistic and intentional advising from summer orientation through the first year to support post-graduate goal-setting and planning.

Longwood Graduate Program Immersion Day

Juniors network with current graduate students, faculty, and graduate program alumni, to discover options and improve their application materials.

Virtual Micro-Internship

Students complete a short-term project (~20 hours) with an alumni supervisor to build workplace competencies and professional relationships.

Symposium Day

Students will reflect on their Civitae Core Curriculum experience and practice narrating their educational story.

How will we know we are making progress?

  • Improved first to second year retention
  • SMARTer post-graduate goals and improved alignment of goals and (co) curricular plans
  • Faculty, staff, and student participation in workshops and professional development
  • Improved student resume and cover letter quality