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The Cashiering and Student Accounts IT Manager will then facilitate the creation of any new uStore or uPay site.

Once created, you will be able to set up and modify your store as well as maintain visibility status, maintain product offerings, and support customers.

  1. Log in to Touchnet ucommerce at and make sure you put “C20122.” Before your banner user id. Remember your password may not be the same as your Banner password.
  2. Go to Applications and then Marketplace
  3. Choose the name of the merchant you will be working on. Then storesname of the store, and store settings. (If you time out, you will lose your changes so if you get interrupted when making your changes, hit the save button and then continue with your changes later.)
  4. General tab
    1. Store status – you can change this to preview to see your changes. Then click on view to see what your store will look like.
    2. Announcement and messages – Change these to whatever you want it to say.
    3. Return Policy Settings – Make sure you include this. It is required. Save your changes.
  5. Emails tab
    1. Email Notices – Enter email notices, as appropriate.
  6. Products tab
    1. If you want to Add a product, press the add product button and follow the instructions.
      1. Add name and descriptions
      2. Shipping class – choose the name that is the name of your store
      3. Tax class- no tax
      4. Upload thumbnail image and watch the format and extension
      5. Press continue twice
      6. Choose random stock number
      7. You can limit quantity and track if you want
      8. Put NO for Backorder
      9. Auto Fulfill must be YES
      10. Disable being online and then confirm
    2. If you want to Change a product, click on the name of the store and make the changes you want.
      1. On the product page, set the web on the right side to Preview so you can see the changes you made to your products when you do the view under the general tab.
  7. User Modifiers tab
    1. This tab allows you to ask the buyers to enter the information you would like to collect. The information can be required or optional. Look at the examples on this page and add the modifiers you would want in this store.

When you are done or as you have questions creating/editing your store, please contact Bruce or Jennifer so one of them can verify the settings of the store.

Student Accounts will send a $1 test payment through and verify that the payment fed to Banner and the bank successfully.  Once the payment is verified as successful, the price of the product will be corrected, and the store will be ready to go online.

If your department chooses to make the store viewable in the mall, it can be found here.

If you chose to make your department’s store a single store, the link will be different.

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