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Once the Payment Card Application is approved, there are additional steps that will need to be completed.

For Owners of a new MID (merchant identification number):

  • Contact Tracy Nelson or Tiffany Dempsey for the Merchant Fiscal Contact Responsibilities and the Credit Card Security Awareness training disk.
  • Once this training is complete, please complete and submit the following forms to MarketPlace at (

For new Store Managers or Report Viewers

  • The MarketPlace Manager will then facilitate the creation of any new uStore or uPay site which may require additional approval beyond the requesting department prior to creation.
  • Once the uStore or uPay site has been created, your department assumes responsibility for the management of the uStore or uPay site. This includes maintaining visibility status, product offerings, supporting customers (including, but not limited to: approving credits/refunds and then submitting the refund form to our office, payment assistance, questions about site content), and ensuring compliance.
  • The MarketPlace Manager will be available to assist as needed when issues/questions arise that are beyond the expertise of the department.


Please send questions to MarketPlace at (

Please click here for helpful instructions to operate your MarketPlace store.

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