President’s Advisory Committee on Planning and Budget Charter


The purpose of the President’s Advisory Committee on Planning and Budget is to provide a process through which the institution’s available resources can be aligned with the institutional mission and vision, priorities identified in the strategic plan and current conditions. The Committee shall offer advice to the President on both the generation of revenue and the allocation of resources. The Committee, through its minutes and its representatives, provides a mechanism through which Longwood’s strategic budgeting processes may be more transparent, as recommended by our accrediting agencies, our staff and our faculty.

Charter of President’s Advisory Committee on Planning and Budget

The Committee is established by and advises the President, within the context of the University’s mission, on the University’s long-term goals, strategic planning process and budgetary priorities of the University. It provides a forum for the discussion of planning and budgetary issues so that recommendations reflect the concerns of the entire campus community.

The Committee will

  • recommend to the President criteria and principles which the University should consider in determining its programmatic priorities.
  • evaluate planning and budget processes and recommend changes as needed.
  • periodically review of the University’s mission and vision statements.
  • develop parameters for budget initiatives that support the strategic plan, including mechanisms to solicit, review and recommend proposals.
  • consult in the creation and implementation of the University’s strategic planning process.
  • serve as a forum for discussion and advice concerning general budget matters.
  • make specific recommendations concerning the budget.


The Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President of Administration and Finance are co-chairs of the Committee. Membership of the Committee shall include the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Facilities Management and Real Property Management, the Vice President for University Advancement, the Vice President for Information and Instructional Technology Services, the Dean of the Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences, the Dean of the College of Education and Human Services, the Dean of the College of Business and Economics, the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies, the Dean of the Library, the Director of Athletics, the Assistant Vice President of Financial Operations, the University’s Budget Director, President of the Staff Advisory Committee, the President of the Student Government Association and the members of the Faculty Senate Committee on Budget and Planning. Staff support is supplied through the Office of Administration and Finance.


The Committee shall meet monthly from August through May, in conjunction with the academic year. Meeting agendas and available ancillary materials shall be provided to Committee members at least a week in advance of meeting dates in order to allow members to seek input from the constituencies they represent.

Operating Procedures

Meetings of the Committee shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order.


Recommendations to the President will be made based upon the approval of a simple majority of the members of the Committee.

Changes to the Charter

Changes to the Charter will be made based upon the approval of a two-thirds majority of the members of the Committee.