1. Schedule Page Publication: In Modules and Page, instructors can delay pages for publication on a specific date/time. This update allows instructors to prepare and schedule pages in advance to automatically publish in a course. Instructors can view when a page is scheduled to publish; scheduled pages remain invisible to students until the scheduled publish date/time.

2. Speedgrader Multi-File Submissions Display as Single Submission for Third-Party Tools: When using third-party tools to upload assignments, multiple files submitted together will display as a single submission in Speedgrader. Previously, when using third-party tools to submit assignments, each file displayed as a separate submission. This update allows instructors to view submissions from third-party tools with multiple files together in Speedgrader.

3. Improved Inbox Functionality: In the Inbox, coding has been updated to improve functionality for all users. This update utilizes InstUI for Inbox, Instructure’s internal design language, to provide improved accessibility and quality experiences.