The number of students with disabilities in higher education continues to grow as more of these students pursue career opportunities requiring post-secondary degrees. According to recent statistics from the American Council on Education, 10 percent of full-time freshmen attending four-year universities identified themselves as having a disability. The majority of these students reported themselves as having learning disabilities.

Faculty and staff collaboration in the process of accommodations for students with disabilities is critical for the success of these students. Below are some resources that are designed to provide faculty and staff with information for working with students with disabilities, including accommodating, teaching and advising students with various types of disabilities.

ARO staff welcome additional ideas and strategies that you have found useful, and we look forward to working with you and your students with disabilities. 

Accessing your Longwood AIM Portal Instructional Video.

Setting Up Alternative Testing: Faculty Guide

Classroom Instruction Guidance

Tips for Faculty & Staff

General Instructional Guidance for Faculty & Staff

Frequently Asked Questions

Accommodations FAQ

Syllabus Statement

You are encouraged to use the following as your Syllabus statement.

"If you have a disability and require accommodations, please meet with me early in the semester to discuss your learning needs. If you wish to request reasonable accommodations (note taking support, extended time for tests, etc.), you will need to register with the Accessibility Resources Office. The office will require appropriate documentation of disability. All information is kept confidential. "

Extended Time - Canvas

Individual faculty members are able to adjust the time for specific students on specific assessments (tests or quizzes). To add extra time to an assessment please use the following steps:

1. Select the specific quiz
2. On the far right click "moderate the quiz"
3. Click on the pencil next to the student's name
4. Adjust the time
5. Click save

The Canvas guides provide step-by-step screenshots for this as well: The guides reference "quizzes"; Longwood uses the term "assessments".

Employee ADA Accommodations

For employees who require ADA accommodations, please contact the Office of Human Resources, Eason Hall, 201 High Street, Farmville, VA 23909. Phone (434) 395-2074, Fax (434) 395-2666

Accessibility for Instructional Materials

General Guidelines for Documents 

     Making Word Documents Accessible
     Making PowerPoint Documents Accessible
     Making Excel Documents Accessible
     Making PDF Documents Accessible

Accessible Document Tool