Crowd Management

Virginia's Fire Prevention Code requires that persons trained in the role of Crowd Manager be present for any event with an expected attendance of 1000 or more people in a single location. This applies inside or outside of buildings. Longwood EH&S has developed a brief training video and certification process to aid event hosts in meeting this requirement.

Three roles are defined for Longwood's crowd manager program: the Event Host, the Principle Crowd Manager, and the Crowd Managers. Details on responsibilities are listed in the Crowd Management Safety Procedure .

Procedure Instruction:

Before the Event:

  • Event Host determines the expected attendance size.
  • If the expected attendance in any location is 1000 or more:
    • Event Host either assumes or delegates the Principle Crowd Manager responsibilities.
    • The Event Host and Principle Crowd Manager use the Crowd Management Event Check List to prepare for the event.
    • The number of Crowd Managers is determined.
    • The Crowd Managers for the event are identified (and trained if needed).
    • At least 24 hours before the event, the Principle Crowd Manager completes the Crowd Management Pre-Event Inspection Form, gets the Event Host's approval and submits the form to EH&S (

During the Event

  • At the start of the event, the Principle Crowd Manager makes a general announcement to the attendees identifying: venue specific instructions, how to identify the event's Crowd Managers, and for indoor events: exit locations, and what to do if the fire alarm activates.
  • Crowd Managers watch for fires or other adverse situations and assist attendees in need of aid.

When Something Adverse Occurs:

  • Principle Crowd Manager makes any evacuation notices necessary.
  • Principle Crowd Manager ensures that lights are restored to normal levels (as feasible).
  • Principle Crowd Manager alerts Longwood University Police if necessary.
  • Crowd Managers calmly direct attendees to exit the venue.
  • Crowd Managers assist first responders as needed.

After the event:

  • Report any issues, problems, or unexpected attendance numbers to EH&S at (


Training for all Crowd Managers is a requirement of this program. Training currently consists of a brief Crowd Manager Training video  followed by a series of questions. The answers to the questions are to be submitted in an e-mail to  Feedback intended to improve the program is also welcome.


Crowd Management Event Check List– This check list is for use by Event Hosts and Principal Crowd Managers to plan and coordinate safety issues. This does not have to be submitted to EH&S

Crowd Management Pre-Event Inspection Form – This form is required to be completed by the Event Host /Principal Crowd Manager and submitted to Longwood EH&S at least 24 hours prior to the event.