Risk Management Forms - Completed Activity Report Document


Form to acknowledge the completion of a program and a statement about any incidents that may have occurred.

Owner: Materiel Management & Purchasing

Risk Management Forms - Health Statement Document


Participant's statement of all physical conditions that University program staff should know which may affect or be affected in a program.

Owner: Materiel Management & Purchasing

Risk Management Forms - Learning Letter Document


The purpose of this Letter of Understanding is to set forth the provisions under which students of Longwood University (LU) will perform an experiential learning project...

Owner: Materiel Management & Purchasing

Risk Management Forms - Property on Loan to Longwood University Document


Terms governing the acceptance of loaned property to Longwood University.

Owner: Materiel Management & Purchasing

Risk Management Forms - Sponsored Activities Document


The purpose of this memorandum is to inform participants of certain risks and responsibilities that they will be assuming as a participant in a program.

Owner: Materiel Management & Purchasing