The following logos can be downloaded for use in printed materials, websites, and other electronic media where Longwood logos are needed. They can be resized proportionally, however, only the colors shown can be used (PMS 282 Blue, PMS 422 Gray, Black, or White) and it is highly recommended to resize to a lesser (than greater) size to avoid "pixelation."

Need Help? See our instructions below.

If you don’t see what you need, please submit a request to the Office of Marketing, Communications and Engagement using our online project request form (Longwood employees only). If you are not a Longwood employee, please email your request to JoDee Stringham, director of design, along with your project details.


Rotunda Symbol


Logotype (Logo)

Email Signature

Copy and paste the sample signature below, making sure to replace all relevant details with your own.

First & Last Name (10pt Verdana)

Title (10pt Verdana)

Longwood University (10pt Verdana)

Department (9pt Verdana)

(434) 395-XXXX (9pt Verdana)

Zoom Backgrounds

Powerpoint Template

Download Instructions

Right-click on the appropriate button, and choose "Save Link As..." or "Download Linked File." Select the directory you wish to save the image in, and click "Save."