If we’re honest, we’re all ready for 2020 to end. But despite the challenges, we’re confident there’s been some happy news in the greater Longwood community. We want to hear those stories. We want to smile. We want to make others smile and give them the chance to share in your joy. Whether it’s about a new baby or puppy, a rekindled friendship, a new hobby, a special moment when someone lifted your spirits or any other feel-good story from this year—Longwood connection or not—we want to hear it!

Send us a short video* of you sharing your good news/story:
  1. Grab your smartphone or computer, and get ready to film yourself. Check out some of these filming tips, and be sure to shoot in landscape format (horizontal) if you’re on your phone.

  2. Record your brief message, and submit your video(s) to us here by Nov. 29:
    Faculty & Staff Submission Form »
    Student Submission Form »
    Alumni Submission Form »
*Not comfortable recording a video? No worries. Send us a summary of your news/story to webteam@longwood.edu, and we may follow up!