Academic and Administrative Web Policy


The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for information that resides on university and employee webpages, including remotely hosted webpages, to ensure a consistent and coordinated message.


This policy applies to all individuals accessing university and employee webpages for the purpose of webpage development and maintenance.


  1. University webpages: University webpages are defined as webpages created for university entities including colleges, departments, administrative offices and programs.
  2. Employee webpages: Employee webpages are defined as webpages created for individual university employees, either hosted by the University or pertain to work-related communications.


  1. Individual academic and administrative units are responsible for ensuring that the published information is factually accurate and up-to-date on a continuous basis. 
  2. Changes to university webpages under (Longwood’s public website) are managed by University Marketing & Communications (in partnership with individual academic and administrative units) unless an exception is made. 
  3. Employee webpages are the sole responsibility of the webpage creator.

The university encourages use of websites and webpages to communicate with constituents.  However, in order to ensure a consistent message, the following policy applies:

  1. All university and employee webpages must present a positive image of the university.
  2. All university and employee webpages must comply with United States copyright laws, laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, local regulations and other university policies including the Longwood University Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources and Systems Policy.
  3. University and employee webpages cannot be used for personal gain or contain paid external advertising without the prior approval of the vice president responsible for that area.
  4. University and employee webpages must comply with the University’s Internet Privacy Statement.
  5. University webpages outside of the university web content management system must be approved by University Marketing & Communications, which will review design, accessibility and other requirements.
  6. This policy does not apply to social media or student websites; however, other university policies and guidelines may apply.

 Last updated: December 14, 2020