August 09, 2017
Longwood’s Speech, Hearing, and Learning Services is hosting a planning meeting to explore the creation of a local chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA).
August 09, 2017
On August 14th 2017, 96 Honors Freshmen will move in and participate in the Cormier Honors College (CHC) Leadership Retreat that focuses on the CHC's three pillars: Scholarship, Service and Community.
August 04, 2017
"Double double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble!" You won't want to miss: William Shakespeare's Macbeth Auditions August 21st, with Callbacks August 22nd at 6:30pm in CSTAC (Communication Studies Theatre Arts Center)
August 03, 2017
New Faculty Orientation will take place on Augst 9 and 10
August 01, 2017
Learn all about how to submit materials for Longwood University Weekly Email and Dining Hall/Lancer Cafe Table Tents!
June 15, 2017
As we move through a busy summer on campus, I wanted to touch base briefly to share two important pieces of news from our final Board of Visitors meeting of the academic year last week.
June 14, 2017
Marie Ireland speaks at the Agee Lecture Series
June 14, 2017
Marie Ireland speaks at the Agee Lecture Series
June 12, 2017
June 12, 2017
Sponsored by the Reading, Literacy, & Learning and School Librarianship Programs, College of Education and Human Services and College of Graduate and Professional Studies
June 09, 2017
Meeting schedules for Fall 2017 and Spring 2018.
May 19, 2017
Longwood University's Speech, Hearing, and Learning Services is pleased to be collaborating with our colleagues in Special Education to offer the 2017 Autism Institute.
May 11, 2017
Early Childhood Development Initiative sponsors Learning through Play workshop.