It is the responsibility of the Longwood University Police Department (LUPD) to notify the university community in a timely manner when a reported crime or incident occurs on or near the university campus which represents an ongoing or serious threat to the university community.
This policy seeks to ensure that the university community is notified promptly with accurate information in the event of a reported crime in which there could be an ongoing or serious threat to the community or additional incidents in the future.
The University shall issue a timely warning when the Longwood University Police Department identifies a reported crime or incident in the core campus geography or areas immediately adjacent to the campus that poses an ongoing threat to students, faculty, staff, and guests. The decision to inform the university community shall be based upon known facts of an incident. A map of the core campus geography can be found at and then click on "Maps & Directions."
The Vice President for Student Affairs, in consultation with the Chief of Police or designee, shall decide whether to issue a timely warning.
The University shall notify the university community of crimes that represent an ongoing threat to students, faculty, staff, and guests unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency. They may stem from reports to university police or other state or local agencies. Those crimes that prompt a timely notification include, but are not limited to: