Pre-Semester Schedule

Click here to view the fall 2023 Pre-semester schedule

CAFE - Center for Academic Faculty Enrichment

The goals of CAFE include

  • Connections and Learning Communities:   CAFE connects faculty to a variety of learning communities to support teaching, scholarship and professional growth.
  • On Time "Programming" and Resources:  CAFE  provides resources that are based on faculty need and relevant emerging trends in higher education.  CAFE provides on-time programming and resources in formats that are easily accessible.
  • Infrastructure: As a vital university resource, CAFE invests in a strong infrastructure.

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LOTI - Longwood Online Technology Institute

 The Longwood Online Technology Institute (LOTI) is a faculty development program designed to enhance teaching and learning at Longwood University and expand the flexibility and reach of a Longwood education.

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Blackwell Talks

The Monday Blackwell Talks is a forum which allows faculty to present developing research and innovative ideas in an informal, friendly environment to their colleagues who then ask questions and provide suggestions and additional ideas.  The goal of Monday Blackwell Talks is to foster a campus environment of collaboration, scholarly interaction and faculty development.

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Colloquium Series

The Faculty Colloquium Series showcases faculty research and gives faculty members the opportunity to share research with the university community. One proposal is selected for the fall and one for the spring.

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Faculty Policies and Procedures

View the Faculty Policies & Procedures Manual