Whether you are a pedestrian or a vehicle operator, there are three prime rules for transportation safety:

  1. Pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way.
  2. Maintain Situational Awareness while moving.
  3. Travel at a safe speed.

Rule number 2 (situational awareness) is the one most often ignored on campus. With this in mind, work to develop the following habits:

  • If you need to talk or text, move out of the way of others. Pull your vehicle over, or step to the side of the walkway.
  • Keep at least one ear open. (Either use ambient noise headphones/earbuds, or only have music in one ear.)
  • Put your phone or device away when crossing the street.

Construction Project Diversions - Longwood's aging infrastructure means that we can expect construction projects to impact the pathways around campus. The Capital Design and Construction Department actively works to minimize these impacts. Longer term projects will issue a map indicating pathway changes.

There are six relevant University Policies that address vehicle safety:

5002 Personal Transportation Device

15 Passenger Van

Motorized Vehicular Access to Brock Commons

5010 Operation of Institutional Golf Carts

2106 - Employee Driving Privilege

2059 Use of State Vehicles

These policies summarize to the following bullets:

  • Pedestrians have the right of way
  • A valid driver's license is required for vehicle operation
  • You may only use the intended seats
  • Travel at a safe speed
  • Brock Commons is restricted access for all vehicles

Golf Cart requirements include:

  • Golf Cart training is required and provided by the Longwood University Police Department for anyone needing to operate a golf cart or utility vehicle on campus.  Email Rayboldrs@longwood.edu with training requests.
  • Following the approved Golf Cart routes as shown on the current Golf Cart/Utility Cart Route Map