COVLC is a state of Virginia hosted training site where all full-time faculty and staff are automatically provided an ID within two business days after your employee start date. This ID is your State ID which is the same as your Cardinal ID. Another way to locate your ID is from your insurance card. If you are viewing your insurance card, do not use the letters, for example: if your insurance card shows YTX1234567XU, your employee ID would be 1234567 with two preceding and ending zeros; 00123456700.
Wage employees, Volunteers would need to create a new account by clicking on the "Need Account" button.
Chrome browser is recommended and supported by COVLC.
COVLC (Log In Link)
If you have misplaced your 'Login ID' or 'password'. Please follow the following instructions.
The steps you would take would be to click on the Forgot your “Login ID” link below the big ‘Log In Blue Button’. Afterwards, a window will pop up where you would key in your “Last Name” , “Work email address” and then click on the “Get Login ID” button. An email will be sent to you in a couple of minutes.
If you do not remember your password, you can click on the “password” link to the right of the Login ID and a window will pop up for you to enter your “Login ID” and then “Continue”. An email will be sent to you with a temporary Password within a couple of minutes.
The system should automatically have place you back at the Login screen so that you may enter in your Login ID and your Temporary password. After keying in your credentials and clicking on the “Login” blue button, a new window will prompt you to change your temporary password to your own new password. After a successful password reset, you should be at your COVLC home screen.
If you run into any issues, please email
Required training is listed here: Required Training