Effective evaluation is an important program tool. It is not simply a grading system, but rather a means of measuring student development in terms of productivity, responsibility, initiative, cooperation, and attitudes.

The purpose is to formally let the student know how the supervisor views his/her work. It also services as a permanent record for future recommendations. Supervisors should complete a performance evaluation for each student at least once a year and discuss the evaluation with the student. A copy of each student's evaluation should be forwarded to the Student Employment Office for placement in the student's file.

Student Employee Performance Evaluation (pdf)

Student Employee Performance Evaluation Procedures

  • Schedule regular performance evaluations as needed but no later than the end of each semester.
  • Share the evaluation with the student worker in a planned, formal setting. This will give both you and the student an opportunity to address issues that may be difficult to discuss in the normal work setting.
  • Use the COMMENTS section for addressing specific job related issues or skills that need improving. If the student receives an unsatisfactory rating on any of the criteria, use the comment section to note the need for additional counseling, training, etc.
  • Have the student worker read and sign the form. Give the student worker a copy of the evaluation.
  • Photocopy and keep completed evaluations in personnel files. Forward original to the Student Employment Office. These records will be useful when student workers request references for future employment.

**Always keep student personnel files CONFIDENTIAL. Never release a copy of the evaluation without a consent form signed by the student.