Coordination of Audit Effort 0001

Description: The purpose of this policy is to provide procedures for coordinating external and internal audit effort.

Owner: President's Office

Internal Audit Charter 0002

Description: The purpose of the University’s Office of Internal Audit is to strengthen the University’s ability to create, protect, and sustain value by providing the Board of Visitors and management with independent, risk-based, and objective assurance, advice, insight, and foresight.

Owner: President's Office

Reporting Fraud to the Auditor 0003

Description: The purpose of this policy is to provide procedures for handling all suspected incidences of fraud within the University.

Owner: President's Office

University Policy Management 0004

Description: Establishes rules and procedures for creating and updating university polices.

Owner: President's Office

Remote Participation in In-Person Board of Visitors Meetings 0005

Description: It is the policy of Longwood University that individual members of the Board of Visitors may participate in meetings by electronic communication as permitted by the Code of Virginia.

Owner: President's Office

Use and Display of Flags

Description: The purpose of this policy is to establish authority for granting permission to use and display the Longwood, Commonwealth, United States, and other flags.

Owner: President's Office