Description: This policy establishes requirements for the display and/or posting of items in the public area (e.g. the bulletin boards, entranceways, lawn signs, etc.) on campus.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: The purpose of this policy is to identify all individuals whose job functions meet the requirements established by the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998” (commonly referred to as the “Clery Act”) to be designated as a campus security authority. Campus security authorities are required to report alleged Clery Act crimes that they witness or are reported to them to the Longwood University Police Department.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: When a health emergency occurs at Longwood University, notify the Rescue Squad and University police simultaneously. Emergencies occurring in classrooms, offices, residential halls, Longwood facilities, or grounds should be referred to the Emergency Room at Southside Community Hospital at all times.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: This policy concerns the operation of Longwood (classes, academic services, and administrative operations) at its academic campus in Farmville, Virginia, as well as other off-campus locations in the affected geographic areas.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: This policy is structured to assure equal opportunity for all persons, to preserve order within the campus community, to protect and preserve University property, and to provide a secure environment to individuals exercising freedom of expression.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: This policy is designed to comport with Section 23-25 of the Code of Virginia in regard to full-time students enrolled at Longwood for the first time. These students must have a health history which consists of a complete immunization record, including tuberculosis screening, on file with Student Health and Wellness.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: To establish guidelines which describe the investigation of missing persons and making appropriate entries into VCIN and NCIC and to on-call administrative employees.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: The purpose of this policy is to outline motor vehicle parking regulations enforced by the Longwood University Police Department.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: The purpose of this policy is to establish the rules for operating approved golf carts, utility vehicles and vehicles classified as farm tractors in support of Longwood sponsored activities.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: This policy is to ensure the safe operation of personal transportation devices (not to include devices used by persons with disabilities) on the Longwood campus and University-managed properties. This policy intends to protect Longwood students, faculty, staff, and property by prohibiting activity that is dangerous to users or others.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: Longwood University aims to maintain the safety of individual students, as well as the community. Psychological emergencies include, but are not limited to, situations where a student attempts suicide, makes a threat or gesture of suicide, harms or attempts to harm themselves, or undergoes severe psychological distress. Faculty, staff, and students are expected to follow these procedures when there is a psychological emergency.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: Students can expect to have a reasonable degree of privacy in their rooms and suites and in the community at large. However, when circumstances warrant it, Longwood staff are authorized to enter a student's room utilizing a master key. Circumstances warranting entry relate to safety, security, health, legal or campus disciplinary concerns. Students are expected to cooperate with those conducting a search and/or carrying out their duties associated with room entry.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: This policy establishes requirements applicable to Service Animals and Service Dogs in Training at Longwood University. These requirements provide consistency in the use and access of service animals, including those in training, on University property.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: The purpose of this policy is to comply with Title V, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, students with physical and/or learning disabilities will not be discriminated against on the basis of their disabilities.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: Preserving the safety and security of our faculty, staff, and students is a top priority for Longwood University and one that requires vigilance, communication, and coordination. The purpose of this policy is to 1) establish a violence prevention committee and 2) provide a framework for threat assessment and intervention designed to reduce the risk of violence. This policy is guided by both Code of Virginia § 23.1-805and Commonwealth of Virginia Policy 1.80: Workplace Violence.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: This procedure applies to any behavior that is interpreted to be a threat. Judgments about the seriousness of a threat will be made by the Longwood University Threat Assessment Team (LUTAT).
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: It is the responsibility of the Longwood University Police Department (LUPD) to notify the university community in a timely manner when a reported crime or incident occurs on or near the university campus which represents an ongoing or serious threat to the university community.
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: The purpose of this policy is to regulate the use of camera systems used to observe and record public areas for the purposes of safety and security. Noncompliance with this policy may result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination. This policy is to direct the use of video captured from camera systems placed in compliance with Virginia code § 18.2-386.1 and not cameras that may be utilized for specific law enforcement actions authorized under §18.2-386.1 (b)(i).
Owner: Student Affairs
Description: The purpose of this policy is to establish rules concerning the possession and storage of weapons on campus.
Owner: Student Affairs