Title IX Coordinator - Kathleen Roberts

Reporting Options

To report gender-based misconduct anonymously to the Title IX Coordinator, please use our Anonymous Report Form. *

To make an anonymous crime report to the Longwood University Police Department, please use our Crime Report Form

*An anonymous report will be investigated to the best of our ability based on the information that is available. 

All University employees designated as "Responsible Employees" must report sexual misconduct, including personally identifiable information, directly and promptly to the Title IX Coordinator.

Formal Report

Title IX Reporting - (434) 395-2751 (Office), (434) 808-9439 (Cell) 
Longwood University Police Department (24 Hrs) - 434-395-2091

Confidential Report

University Health Center - (434) 395-2102
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) - (434) 395-2409
Southside Center for Violence Prevention, Inc. (24 Hrs) - (888) 819-2926

Office of Civil Rights

Further information about Title IX and sex discrimination in education is available from:

Office of Civil Rights
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, D.C., 20202-1100


Syllabus Language - Mandatory Reporting of Crimes and Sexual Misconduct (doc)



SART Bookmark (pdf)          SART Brochure (pdf)              SART Full Ad (pdf)

SART Poster (pdf)                SART Social Media (pdf)         SART Sticker template (pdf)

Social Media Images: (right click and choose save as to download) SART Media Top Image 

SART Image Bottom


Kathleen Roberts
Kathleen Roberts

Title IX Coordinator
Eason Hall G-08L
(434) 395-2751