2013-2014 Educational Policy Committee (EPC) Reports

EPC Report 4-15-14 (pdf)

SpanESL to storage (pdf)

EPC Report 3-25-14 (pdf)

GNED 162 description change (pdf)

Hist. 210 deletion (pdf)

Hist 120 (pdf)

Hist 120 Syllabus (pdf)

Hist 130 (pdf)

Hist 130 Syllabus (pdf)

Liberal Studies form (pdf)

Liberal Studies rationale (pdf)

Liberal Studies Catalog (pdf)

EPC Report 3-11-14 (pdf)

Suspension or Expulsion Policy (pdf)

BFA in Graphic Animation and Design (pdf)

DSAM SCHEV document (pdf)

EPC Report 2-25-14 (pdf)

Educ 402 course change (pdf)

Old Educ 402 syllabus (pdf)

Sample Educ 402 syllabus (pdf)

Policy Change--Writing Intensive Policy (pdf)

Writing Intensive Requirements (pdf)

EPC Report 1-28-14 (pdf)

Mathandform (pdf)

mathandmatrix (pdf)

mathandsyllabus (pdf)

Art 121--Introduction to Environmental Design (pdf)

Art 201--Architecture Appreciation and Design (pdf)

Kill31 (pdf)

EPC Report 12-5-13 (pdf)

Current and Proposed catalog changes F13 BS and SCDC3 (pdf)

Phys Program Change F 13 (pdf)

Current catalog Phys 2013 revised (pdf)

Program change Biol SCED (pdf)

Program change Biol SCED (pdf)

SCED in CHEM new concentration form (pdf)

EPC Report 11-19-13 (pdf)

Cyber Forensics and Security (pdf)

Nursing Prospectus (pdf)

Nursing UG New Program (pdf)

Experiential Learning Credit Guidelines (pdf)

Appendix--Budget (doc)

Reading, Literacy Endorsement (pdf)

Reading, Literacy, Learning Degree (pdf)

Reading, Literacy, Learning SCHEV document (pdf)

Reading, Literacy, Learning catalog copy (pdf)

EPC Report 10-29-13 (pdf)

Real Estate Concentration--New Program (pdf)

MBA Program Req.--Real Estate (pdf)

EPC Minutes 9-24-13 (pdf)

Experiential learning proposal (pdf)

Course prefix proposal cover sheet (pdf)

Course prefix policy (pdf)

New program--School Librarianship (pdf)

School Librarianship SCHEV Proposal (pdf)

School Librarianship Catalog Copy (pdf)

New Program Substantive Change--School Librarianship (pdf)


2013-2014 Miscellaneous Reports

Appendix B (timetables) revision (pdf)

Finance and Planning report 4-24-14 (pdf)

Cover Sheet for adjunct evaluations (pdf)

Adjunct Evaluation Proposal (pdf)


IAC Annual Report (pdf)

Academic Chairs Council Annual Report (pdf)

Academic Outcomes and Program Review Annual Report (pdf)

Bookstore (BIG) Annual Report (pdf)

CAFE Annual Report (pdf)

EPC Annual Report (pdf)

Faculty Awards Annual Report (pdf)

Faculty Development Annual Report (pdf)

Finance and Planning Report (pdf)

General Education Annual Report (pdf)

Honors Advisory Committee Annual Report (pdf)

Petitions Committee Annual Report (pdf)

Prom and Tenure Policies and Procedures Annual Report (pdf)

Library Advisory Committee Annual Report (pdf)

University Lectures Committee Annual Report (pdf)

Appendix B Cover Sheet (pdf)

Appendix B Timelines (pdf)

Cover Sheet--Faculty Status and Grievance Committee and the Role of the Board of Visitors (pdf)

Faculty Status and Grievances Committee revisions (pdf)

The Role of the Bord of Visitors in personnel matters (pdf)

Cover Sheet--Student Evaluation of Faculty (pdf)

Proposal for courses with 5 of fewer students (pdf)

Change in timing of evaluations (pdf)

Cover Sheet--Faculty Status and Grievance Committee and the Role of the Board of Visitors (pdf)

Undergraduate student evaluation for online courses (pdf)

Graduate student evaluation for online courses (pdf)

Proposal for midterm evaluations (pdf)

AAUP Salary Summary 2013 (pdf)

AAUP Salary Summary 2013 (pdf)

Emmylou by First Aid Kit (pdf)

Finance and Planning Report to Senate 3-7-14 (pdf)

Cover Sheet--External Grants (pdf)

FPPM Section O--External Support (pdf)

Guidelines for Sponsored Agreements (pdf)

Guidelines for Philanthropic Gifts (pdf)

Cover Sheet-Student Complaint-Section III W (pdf)

Section III W FAPP draft revisions for 1-30-14 (pdf)

Finance and Planning Report (pdf)

Appendix B Cover Sheet (pdf)

Appendix B revisions (pdf)

Academic Outcomes Assessment cover sheet (pdf)

Academic Outcomes Assessment proposal (pdf)

Finance and Planning Report for 12-5-13 (pdf)

Report from ad hoc Committee on Student Complaints (pdf)

Graduate Council Election date changes (pdf)

IT Maintenance Window Planning (pdf)

Finance and Planning Report 10-10-13 (pdf)

Academic Technology Advisory Committee (pdf)

Bylaws changes (pdf)